An Address to the Children of God Concerning the Modern Acts of Jesus Christ

My precious brothers and sisters of the one true God,

I come bearing great news in a time otherwise believed to be claimed by devastation:

God is alive; He is moving. 

This address is not given as a means to an end time but rather a testimony to open closed eyes, sound off to the deaf, heal the sick, and strengthen the weak. 

The days of miracles are not past; they are present. I, as a witness of this end-time gospel, do document an act greater than all previous miracles presented:

The salvation of souls through God’s perfect plan of redemption, both offered and accepted through a call of revival. 

Many new faces fill the pews, hungry and curious for Christ due to the testifying of the children. 

As the second book of acts unfolds, more witnesses are put forth. 

There is a hunger for something more in a world that offers less and takes far more than it gives, which is, again, very little. 

The people thirst for sanctuary, peace, comfort, fathers, mothers, community, and a better way. 

They unknowingly seek our Lord, who fits these descriptions, matching the trials of the modern day. 

So… if there is a hunger and thirst, why do we, the commuters of the broken body and spilled blood, not take sustenance to them? 

We, the most significant of rarities in the modern world, are not comparable to a fifth of a percentile when placed beside the total sum of the globe, who are gifted with the revelation of the seventh messenger, that voice of Elijah. 

It has never been more relevant, more important, to remember the scripture that raises the question: 

If not now, when? If not you, then who?

If a man finds gold in a mine, what value does it have if it is not taken to a gemologist?

If he, the miner, harbors the gold and stashes it in a box, then it is greatly valued by the earth, taking its materials and redistributing it within its soil. 

What good is money if not spent, food if not eaten, water if not drank, and salvation if not shared?

Yes, we understand the wisdom of saving your sustenance in times of famine, oil when there is none, but we are in a time of abundance. We have manna to spare, and instead of sharing, we grow glutenous on the glory of God, not giving but harboring despite the bounteous, daily redistribution of heavenly food.

We should be witnessing the evidence of God, in both senses of the word, working the miracles of Jesus and greater works than these, taking Christ to the craving as a mortal ambassador. 

With the limited life we are granted daily, and as nothing more than aging pottery, likened unto a vessel filled up to be poured out, we present the everlasting God. 

Oh, children of God, can you hear the breaking hearts? The lost that have nothing but petty politics and false security in the dying dollar bill? 

Take, so they may eat and drink of his blood; be saved by its spilling. 

Be not ashamed of the Lord, whom the modern Roman unknowingly desires.

Testify, people of God! Testify!

We are all that stand between destruction and the revival of our generation. 


To You, My People, I Cry Out


Determination in Defeat