An Address to the Pope

1 Timothy 2:5, “for there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.”

Given the nature of this address and those to whom it is addressed, I find it best to clarify the spirit, intention, and ordainment behind this text: I come to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to spread the gospel—the truth, ordain by the power of the Holy Ghost, who is God and Christ within us.

I write to you in a spirit of love, which is God, understanding that God is a spirit and love, and what you have aligned yourself with, and whom you serve. In doing so, the intention is not so much to write to you but your followers—those whom you lead like lambs to the slaughter in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. I pray the boldness of such an address is enough to grab, at the least, the attention of such devout Catholics so that they may entertain these thoughts for the sake of their souls.

This is, after all, a game of souls. 

I, addressing you as a pawn sacrifice, make way for the King who checks the mate you have chosen to defile your bed with. I pray you understand the harshness of my phrasing, for it is scriptural, which is the foundation of this address. 

Often, we get caught up in trying to argue, to prove our point rather than illuminate the body, imparting eternal life, and even, at the minimum, being a representative of Jesus Christ. Most of us are more concerned with creating a defense for God, who does not need our defense but defends us. Since our doctrine has become denominational and dogmatic, this justification is conjured out of hypersensitivity.

I believe we all have the spiritual intuition to know the truth when we have it. If even the demons can identify Christ by looking at him, surely we can recognize him by hearing. 

This is how faith comes, after all. 

When they hear the truth, they naturally fight, bickering, gnashing, and wailing. These demons inside them cause this reaction, which is not said in criticality but in identifying the enemy and understanding that the individual fuels, enables, and empowers the principalities with their fear or their hubris. However, it is the anointing, nonetheless.

Thus, the people become defensive when faced with the truth, with Christ. I understand this and counsel them to the best of my ability. Still, even I have my limits, for in my flesh, my patience wears thin, and at a certain point, like Paul, I shake my garments, recognizing that the blasphemous and unreasonable blood is on their heads.

I am not interested in arguing but rather in saving souls. Thus, I write boldly for their sake. 

The inspiration for this text was given after having a conversation with one of your own who, after starting a fight, could not provide scriptures to support his claims and, in their place, provided man-made doctrine supplied by you, contradicting Christ to great degrees. Therefore, upon playing this game fairly, I offered a defense for him, given he could not, which was that we must have a source on the grounds of God’s word. This source is questionable to a degree, given that we can question the verifiability of the men who compiled the text and can ask questions about the scriptures we do not understand. Still, the option for us to question God’s word does not mean that we should, nor should we ever do it to the extent that we question God, which, as you know, is Luciferian in nature. Such questions can lead to contradictions and theologians who consider themselves more knowledgeable than God. 

The Bible, compiled by King James and his men, is questioned by theologians, historians, and general intellectuals. I understand this. It does not persuade me. Still, by following the argument of these individuals and their line of questioning God’s word, we must apply that same criticism to your doctrine, texts, Bible, and beliefs. 

Suppose we are to be critical of the complication of the Bible, God’s word sent to us. In that case, we must also be critical of all other texts compiled by men, given they fall under the same category of questionability. If the Bible is no good, neither is any scientific journal, Bible, religious text, or denomination. 

It is all a farce. 

If this is true, then what hope do we have? We have hope in Christ Jesus, the God of hope, and the Holy Ghost, who are all One. This is to say that now, we are at the showdown where we must check who we are married to and have engaged with. We must identify who our husbandman is and whom we call master. 

The believer has faith, and by our faith, we know God. Therefore, in understanding that the visualization of God is done spiritually and not intellectually, we believe that the Dead Sea Scrolls were compiled under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. In this, we find hope; we see the truth exclusively.

Anything added to or taken away from it results in damnation. Anything contradictory to it will have the same result. The word of God is a perfect text, and any individual's disbelief in this is not a testament to its fallacy but an exemplification of what a lack of revelation can do to a soul. 

You have contributed to the confusion, which is a fruit of the devil rather than the fruits of the spirit.

Praying to dead saints for eternal life is a deception. The placement of Mary as a statute worthy to be praised is a fallacy. The belief that Jesus, God, and the Holy Ghost are separate is heathenism, and your placement as the mouthpiece of God is a position held by the antichrist. 

I understand this cuts to the heart and is hard to read, but it is the truth, proven by our original program, that was and is provided by God, who is one with Christ and the Holy Ghost, the dispensations being the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost. 

One God, one word, one kingdom, one truth, one way, and one life.

This leads me to my final point: the revelation of Jesus Christ. How does one attain the revelation of who Christ is to us? Is it through man? Through you? Through the Holy Ghost? The word? The church?

The answer is all and none at all, save the office of the Pope, that is the leader of the world, the puller of strings, the mother of all harlots, being the great whore, which is the great deceiver.

How do I know this? I am a simple writer who pens this to you as a living sacrifice, meant to be martyred and forgotten in favor of the souls we play for, the same way one of our greatest assets was in ways you may know more about than me. He was named William Marrion Branham. He preached what Paul preached, who preached what Christ preached, who preached what Moses preached, and so on. 

I pen the same preaching. 

What my brother taught, I learned, and even after his death over sixty years ago, I have attained the revelation provided by the sacrifice of the vindicated prophet of the age, sent of God, and proven by the scripture. He was the primary tool used to construct the foundation of our faith and destroy the walls of dissolution that held the church ages captive by fully revealing the Lord's revelation through His words in their fullness. I believe you know who I speak of, given that, in his time, his preachings were against you, the most condemning being delivered before his death, coincidentally.

If you have no recollection of this, perhaps you will remember the previous pope wanting to meet him but didn’t, given Brother Branham’s rejection of bowing before your past placeholder, for we do not bow to any but Christ. 

Therein lies the final point. Therein is the revelation, the fulfillment of Malachi 4:5, that turns the sons' hearts to the fathers' hearts and vice versa. 

On this rock, I stand. 

There is the church, those who have been called out and are in the Kingdom of Heaven. I encourage you to examine these things, not on my accord but on your own. Understand that this is not written to put down my brothers and sisters in the denominations but to encourage them to come up higher and, more importantly, out of the church of the world. 

Question whether or not the Holy Ghost seals you, that your salvation is sure, that you can hang your eternal life on what you believe. 

Do not hesitate to run to Christ if you have any doubt or feel any pull on your heart. You have been found by a Holy Ghost-filled man who represents our Lord, among many others. 

Note that mentioning my prophet may lead you to believe that we follow the man, are a cult, or are a different denomination, but this is not so. He is the fulfillment of the scripture, but a man all the same as you and I, who made clear the fullness of God’s word, using it in this final church age. We do not worship a man, office, religion, denomination, dogma, or theologian, but Jesus Christ, the word that was made flesh and is within us today in the dispensation of the Holy Ghost. 

Those who believe God’s word to the last letter, as it is written, believing in God with the faith of a mustard seed, know that he is our hope, love, life, and truth, among an infinite number of other titles and promises that He has given to us.

I hope you attain these same promises.

In good faith, your brother, 

John Anderson


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