Generation of Vipers

My spirit is grieved. As a modern man who walks in the darkest hour, the end of days, I expect such feelings, but that does not make them any less difficult to handle. I know the actions of this generation are prophesied; they who are the Godless, wicked, and adulterous, a generation of vipers.

This implies that they have not always been, but now are due to the corruption of the minds and death of the spirit via the politicians and principalities.

Both are working together, in bed with one another, as the great whore works its power behind the purple curtain. There is a demonic anointing that plagues the pen that goes to paper when creating the laws and politics that further sink the teeth of the enemy into the people. 

On both sides, red and blue, we see the jaws of the one who walks about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour, ensnaring the believers and the not in political jargon, conversed first in Hell before being sent to the cell phone. 

We are headed in one prophetic direction; as God said, this will not change. Still, I feel the pull to write to the people in this final hour, praying, hoping, and believing that God will reach you through this gift. 

Look not to John, the son of Anders, my people, but look to Christ! He speaketh through me; he is the voice behind the voice. If you cannot extend your faith to see that, I encourage you to seek the proof in the word of God, for this truth, as it was then, is infallible.

I cry out to you, my people, to pull you from the trap of politics, moralized by the wicked and enforced by the devil. I see hatred within this system, corrupted by powers you could not imagine and ruled by men you cannot see. 

What’s happening today was planned fifty years ago, and what comes tomorrow was the same, organized by the men seeking to steal it.

Still, all the plans these men may make are nothing more than laughable to God, for it is His plan that is unfolding, whether they do it knowingly or not, accepting or not, believing it or no, they are tools in His hands, the same as us. 

I say this to prove a point: If you have already attained victory through the blood of Jesus Christ, why do you align yourself with those who have not? Why do you align with the lost in mind and soul? I am tired of the deceptions you people, my people, entertain, so now I say it: Politics are Satanic.

Remove yourself from worldly things and be placed in a perfect position. Align yourself with God’s laws, not the laws of man. 

The evil that comes forth like a flood seeks to take more than your property, money, and rights; it seeks your birthright—your salvation—a greater value than all precious metals and dollars the world has to offer combined. It’s worth more than all worlds, known and unknown.

You are the currency the rich and powerful have yet to acquire—those who have sold their souls for the world's kingdoms. 

Turn away from them, my children! Now, not later! Adorn yourselves in modest apparel and the whole armor of God, not the worldly nonsense that the rat race has given value. 

We are not rats; we are sons and daughters of God! Though, as gentiles, we are compared to dogs, that does not mean we partake in the dog-eat-dog world. Turn away from false prophets and the political alliances they make! 

Don’t support Israel because you are a Republican, nor Palestine because you are a Democrat; help the people, God’s and not, through the eternal foundation that is the Solid Rock, Jesus Christ. Oh, you who believe that through the placement of an emoticon that displays a flag of either nation, with the slogan beside reading I stand with (import nation here,) not only waste your time but your efforts though the minuscule and fall into the political trap that has been planted to sow seeds of hate. 

Don’t be mistaken, my people; I grieve for the people all the same as you. Still, I utilize the power provided by the blood of Jesus Christ to make change, not the power of comments on social media platforms, whatever that amounts to, which, realistically, is nothing for the people being talked about but everything for the one who’s talking about them. 

Do you want to stand for Israel? Drop to your knees. Do you wish to do the same for Palestine? To the same knees, you should go. Prayer is the greatest weapon we have against the spirits at play, and believe not me alone, but God also, when we say we battle against principalities. 

The lie of the modern political activist, atheist, agnostic, or general non-believer is that prayer is the weakest, nay most irrelevant action one could take, which is ironic given a fervent prayer done by a righteous servant worketh better works than a social media warrior who types in all caps in their bios or on other people’s videos, relevancy or no. One is better heard by works alone, by both God and man. 

Since when did we decide to stand on countries rather than on the word of God? Where do we find the scripture that asks us to put politics before the Lord? Where do we see the scripture that asks us to place politics before our beliefs?

Oh, I warn you, Palestinian supports: you align with the spirit of antisemitism! Be careful; control your tongue; entertain, not the division! Use your critical thinking of mind and soul and stand for God’s word, not hateful ideologies! 

You, mortal men, who have lost your humanity! You have paired your souls with serpents and have been blinded by their beauty! You, generation of vipers, spewing venom, poisoning all, and flashing your vanity through your false virtue, acting as scales that shield your heart of flesh, the hypocrite who hides inside. 

Notice this criticism is intended to be constructive. Though your nature, if not changed, will only see it as an attack that you will use to justify your efforts in taking my life. I pray you see my heart and its intentions. 

I am not arguing your politics; I am fighting for your soul! I don’t desire to fight you, but the devil that is within you! Wake up, my people! Hear my cry, and if anything, use your reasoning to hear this message: God is still saving; there is still mercy, for now, until it is too late, whose time will be made known by the coming of the Lord, which is sooner than you think. 

If you genuinely care for the people and are troubled by the circumstances like anyone with a heart would be, then amplify your natural love through the conduit, Christ, for God’s love conquers all. His love is eternal. It is non-corruptible, perfect in all ways, and just in all teachings. 

Do you want results? Go to God, for if you genuinely love the people, then you are of God, for God is love. 


Peace Be Unto You


Have Not I Commanded Thee?