The Blind Believer

“But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them,” 2 Corinthians 4: 3 - 4.

If my heart goes out to anyone, it goes out to the lost. The believer who is saved is saved indeed, but the believer who is lost rickety damnation. 

Not all hearts are inspired to work in the mission field of America. 

I know this. 

I also know that many of my brothers and sisters, along with myself, have felt the pull to help the people who would sooner hate, slander, and prosecute us than hear more than a word of what God has to say through us.

Some might say we’re fighting a losing battle, but I say what my God says: we fight the greatest battle ever fought, the good fight. 

In the body, we have many members. The mission of the hand will be different from the mission of the foot despite us following the same program, the gospel. 

Let us respect our differences and support one another on our Holy Ghost-filled journeys. 

It takes a brave child of God to face the American audience. Even more, than this, it takes a believer who is filled with the Spirit of God, having the fruits of the spirit, being love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, and faith, to not only withstand the contrary spirits but to exemplify Christ in our time, given that by our fruits we are known. 

To God’s children lost in darkness, this is the light, among other characteristics of the cross. 

Now, I’m about to shift gears in a rather peculiar direction, given, up to this point, I’m sure the image of the American you’ve held in your mind is that of the ‘unsavory’ atheist or the general heathen, but this is an address to the believers, to those who are lost in darkness and need to be found.

Let us establish what a believer is. There are three among us, both in our churches and the world. There is the non-believer, the make-believer, and the truth believer. The true believer is he who we are most familiar with. He is the one who loveth the Father, worshipping in spirit and in truth. 

The make-believer is he who comes to church, fellowships with the brothers and sisters, and worships just the same, physically, but only in the life he lives on Sunday and Wednesday. 

Wednesday is uncertain. 

This believer lives two lives, one of God and the other of the world. He is lukewarm, not entirely sold out to God, but in between two masters. This, as we know, cannot be so. God will eventually spew them out of his mouth.

Now, what of the non-believer? He is the one who does not believe in God, not to the degree that he denies God’s existence in all circumstances, but only to the degree that he believes the god of the world rather than God through Christ Jesus, for it is much more appealing to his personal wants and desires. 

When we think of the word ‘non-believer,’ we immediately assume that it means ‘atheist,’ he who denies God’s existence. However, the non-believer is more than a scientist; it is one who listens to the god that propagates hundreds of thousands of false religions. 

Atheism, though the atheist will deny this, is a religion. You believe God is not real because you cannot prove His lack of existence. Therefore, you must activate your faith to believe what you believe. The very denial of God’s existence implies He exists, which is only furthered by the understanding that you cannot prove something doesn’t exist and can only create an argument and hypothesis that He doesn’t, which is not evidence-based but faith-based.

Thus, you are not a non-believer because you do not believe in God’s existence, but you are a non-believer because you have disbelieved God and instead believed the god of this world who has entrapped you in his darkness, perverting your faith and placing you in his religion. 

Human beings desire to worship. It’s in our nature. Whether we worship ourselves, the church, religion, God, or Satan himself, we are worshippers. 

Who do you worship?

Again, listener, you probably think this commentary on non-believers only applies to atheists, but it is charged to all who fit the bill. More religious Christians are non-believers who believe in their own religion than there are non-religious people who believe but are lost in the world.

Satan is most prominent in the church, establishing himself as the pastor of the denominations, dogmas, false doctrines, and cults. 

Darkness is not always easily identified, especially when it is all you’ve ever known. To the blind man, darkness is simply sight. We who have seen the light can call the darkness ‘darkness,’ but he who has not known the light cannot identify it due to the lack of contrast. 

But, oh, you Bartimayuses: fear not, for Jesus arrives to bring the light through the elected son or daughter of God who knows their place as the redeemed. 

You will not find Christ in the Pope nor its offspring, being the church of the protestant, baptist, Lutheran, and many more, but in God’s word, in fullness, and in truth, as it has been written. 

I hope you understand I am not bashing those in your denomination but bringing its fallacy to your attention. God did not ordain denominations; scripturally, this is true. Whichever of them you are in, my people, you must come out of it! 

Come into God’s word in its fullness; be made to see by the light. I have seen this and have authority to speak on these matters, not on my own accord, but through tutors and governors, Holy-Ghost-filled men who have exemplified the five-fold ministry, being evangelists, pastors, teachers, apostles, and prophets, the greatest of these being my prophet, William Marrion, Branham.

As your fellow believer, I, beyond a shadow of a doubt, can attest to the truth of the teachings of this man, not by his accord, but by the Holy Ghost.

Believest thou this?

In the end, it’s your decision as to whether or not you will serve the Lord in spirit and in truth, but know that once the darkness, the sin, is revealed to you, you are not only no longer blind but are now responsible for the sin you continue to commit. 

Your sin is your disbelief, believing in the god of this world rather than the God of all. Search within yourself and ask if this is true, for your deep will call to the deep; the voice of God is heard and continues to be heard through that same voice, now more easily and continually identifiable to he who is not of the world, but blinded by the darkness.

Open your eyes to the truth, blind believer. See the light that is Christ. Do not be blinded by the angel of light, Lucifer, that fallen angel who appeals to the populace with materialism and beauty. 

Sin is beautiful. It is enticing. It looks ‘good’ and is fair to look upon, while the word of God is ‘ugly,’ appearing harsh, brutal, and mean, especially when placed next to sin in comparison.

As is love to the one who knows love, not. 

Though the way is hard, unpopular, and challenging, it is the provided way, made through that sacrifice on Pentecost—the blood of Jesus Christ, who is the way, the truth, and the life. 


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