The Doctrine of Doom

“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” Hebrews 13:8.

The church is in great peril. I, who walk the Earth as my brothers and sisters do, have seen the same works and beliefs of the denominations and have come to a different conclusion than the family I walk with, especially concerning eternal life. 

Confusion and false doctrine have gripped the church and its people, perverting God’s word in its perfect form (as given) and projecting a doctrine of doom that leads the people to damnation. 

The false prophets that Christ warned us about have founded the denominations, a non-scriptural, manmade concept that God never ordained.

This is no surprise. The doctrine of the devil is far more appealing than the Word of God. Man and its church leaders have chosen to align with hate, understanding, and revelation of the fallen angel rather than the angel of the Lord. They choose the popular faith, the surface-level belief that does not produce life but rather zeroes behind a primary value in their bank accounts. 

In this, we find a mathematical truth in its rule, wherein anything multiplied by zero is still zero. 

Where there is God, there is life, whereas wherever the devil goes, death follows: The wages of sin is dead, yet he who believes in Christ shall have eternal life. Yet, in multiple examples, primarily on social media platforms, we see believers who say they believe in Christ yet do not do what he says for us to do. 

The church sisters profess the Word of God, which is honorable, scriptural, and good, but do not present themselves as the spirit of God would command them to do it. Thus, though they say, “Lord, Lord,” they are not known and are only tools in the hands of the devil, sent to doom more people, primarily the brethren.

Sisters, take this in the spirit it’s written. Open your hearts, the mind of Christ, before leaning to your understanding: You who wear pants, heavy makeup, and nose rings, getting new tattoos and sexualizing yourselves on applications that favor your objectification, you partake in the doctrine of doom, for you cause men and women to fall in more ways than one. Though men should indeed have enough Holy Ghost within them to withstand the temptation you lend yourself to, you have lent yourself out to a spirit that does not value what it is you offer, notwithstanding the fact that you are not yours to lend. The blood of Christ has purchased you, and yet you invite the spirit of lust in. You will be held responsible for your fellowship with the fiend that has caused another who either looks at you or looks up to you to fall, the same way a man will be held responsible for looking. 

I encourage you to check your sub-conscience, motive, and objective. I understand this is a hard saying; I say this with love. 

This is not subtle for those who dance to secular music, wear tight clothes, and tout their faces as an allure rather than a natural feature. Understand, I am not criticizing your natural features—something you cannot change—but rather the mentality and spirit behind them, which you can.

Believe me. I am no stranger to this psychology. I know that my features would be described as ‘fair to look upon,’ and have been described that way on many occasions. This is no fault of mine, but rather genetics and the handiwork of God, which are both out of my control, the same as you.

But what we can control is our intentions, which often are misleading. So many of us would prefer people look at us rather than Christ, yet we use his name to garner an audience. We use God as a niche for influence the same way the worldly use their allures, but if the fisherman who uses the lure does not have life within him, then he will only be a fisherman collecting fish for his motivations. 

To that end, you might as well partake in the world’s offerings, for by your fruits, you are known, and one cannot have two masters. Why not partake in the fruit of Genesis and serve the master of the world? Why not bake your cake and eat it too?

This is the world’s religion, the doctrine of doom.

Today, women are at the forefront of all the church preachers, pastors, and overall leadership. Yet, you will not find a single scripture that supports such an act; instead, you will find hatred, gnashing of teeth, and wailing at addressing such things. Even now, and especially here, have the spirits inside a majority of you been angered, kindled, and provoked by the insecurity that follows.

I must remind you: these words are not my own; this truth is the Word of God. 

I pen what Paul penned, and to the few who claim, nay, have inspired this piece, saying, “Not only is Paul not alive to write an address to the church, but the address he did write was for the Corinthians in a different time,” I write to you, saying, “It was not Paul who penned the parliament, but Christ within him. The same spirit that was in Paul is the same spirit that was in Christ, that was the Father, which is the Holy Ghost, and thus, (given God is His word) this test is an eternal text. 

What was relevant then is relevant now. 

To this end, if you believe the contrary, which is that what Paul wrote is not eternal, then you say that the Holy Ghost is not infinite, which is to say that Christ is not immortal, which is to say that Christ is not the word made flesh. This is a doctrine of the antichrist that would doom us all, if possible.

The misrepresentation of God’s word can’t be simplified by calling it an ‘opinion,’ for it is far more dangerous than this and insulting to the spirit of God. 

But to those of you who need a present Paul, let me be Paul to you, not because I am of his same stature or even come close to his testimony, but because the same spirit that was in Paul is in me. It is the same spirit that is in those who recognize this address as the truth rather than an optioned, misogynistic, non-believing piece. 

Still, I would not blame you if you did, for that same antichrist spirit that was present, crucifying Christ, murdering the martyrs, and possessing the Pharisees, is alive and well today. The antichrist will come in embodiment, but his message is here today, growing alongside the wheat as a weed, being watered by the same waters. 

This is also scriptural. 

Sisters in Christ, you are not permitted to speak in the church, preach from behind the pulpit, or pastor the flock. You shall not usurp authority over a man but know your place in the church and at home as a helpmeet to the husband, a true worshipper, and a mother.

God has placed a program. He does not ask us to interpret it in the modern tongue, but believe in Him, taking Him at His word. The husband is the head of the wife the same way the pastor is the head of the church, the same way Christ is the head of the pastor, among all other previously mentioned heads. 

This is the way of the Lord, the truth in this world, the life of a believer: Ladies, there are so many ways you could be glorified by God—scriptural ways. Through the gifts, you edify the body. As a wife, you are raised with your husband, supporting him on his walk and calling for the Lord. In motherhood, the greatest of these, will you be glorified when you raise your children in the way of the Lord so they will not depart from him. The role of the mother is so important, nay, essential, and it is so tirelessly fought against by the modern sister in Christ because of the societal norms set by those who do not value them.

Now, you men. 

The men of God have a simple calling and obvious attributes—characteristics. The calling is to go unto the world and preach the gospel in the ways they are instructed to under Holy-Ghost-filled tutors and governors, with power, love, and a sound mind. With this, we add the fruits of the spirit, the characteristics of the Holy Ghost-filled man. As simple as they seem, it raises the question: If they are so simple, why do so many modern men of ‘God’ not have them? Instead, modern men are cowards—abusive, angry, weak, and faithless. 

The coward is a coward because he does not say what he must, which is the truth, despite God instructing it. Regardless of who we speak to, their position, or our place within the denomination, we must speak the word of God because it is the only word worth saying. Because of our cowardice, we have forced the sisters to take up the mantle of the man that was ordained by God for him, causing our sisters to sin. 

Still, to the same previous accountability, the lack of men standing in their positions does not justify the women who stand in their place. Two wrongs do not make a right; the right is God’s word. So, men, stand up and on God’s word in every respect, treating your wives as Christ treats the church, being filled with the Holy Ghost, and preaching the gospel for all to hear in all aspects of your lives. 

Just because you are the head of your home does not mean you can bite off the ones beneath you. No amount of emotional, mental, spiritual, or physical abuse is acceptable. Be slow to anger, quick to patience, and merciful, understanding the weaker vessel. Being the head, you are responsible for not only your life but her life as well, being the pastor of your home. 

Be strong. Stand upright and believe in God and His word from beginning to end. 

If we can stand in our perfect position, made by God, we as the church of Christ, being those who are called out—the kingdom of heaven, will go far, not being confused by the doctrine of doom but knowing the truth in all capacities, until the coming of the Lord.


Spirit of the Grieved


He Who Makes God Cry