World of the Wicked

Proverbs 24:19 - 20, “Fret not thyself because of evil men, neither be thou envious at the wicked; For there shall be no reward to the evil man; the candle of the wicked shall be put out.”

We live in a wicked world. This is nothing new. The world has been wicked since the fruit could be eaten, and the same fruit, paired with the other desires of the flesh, has ruled and dictated every one of Man’s steps. 

Whether it be fornication, idolatry, adultery, femininity, self-abuse, thievery, drunkenness, revelry, or extortion, all have been passed down through the lineage of Caine, the mark of the beast, the seed of the serpent. 

Luke 16:8 says, “And the lord commended the unjust steward because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.” The children of this world, of darkness, are wiser than the children of God, of light. They know their master better than the believers know theirs, and more than this, they have not only accepted the prince of darkness as their ruler but also taken pleasure in all his rewards. They willingly represent him in their entertainment, glorify him in the political buildings, and worship him based on his asks so they may attain the treasures of this world. 

But worldly things, materialistic rewards, are not a worry for the believer, for those who do not partake in evil acts, as outlined by the apostle Paul in his address to the Corinthians, inherit the Kingdom of Heaven—riches beyond compare. 

It’s also worth mentioning that we do not rejoice in the condemnation of the wicked, regardless of how horrid their actions may be, for we know the consequences of their actions. Unfortunately, this same consequence has been portrayed as a party the devil has exclusively invited them to, disguising himself as a friend rather than the great beguiler.

They have been taken by the pleasures of the world, which we call the great deception, to the extent that they know the result that the wickedness of this world gets them to, and they still side with Satan. 

His scales entrance them as he digs his fangs into their souls, filling their every vein with venom. 

The deterioration of America is not only happening because we reject the gospel—the prophet—but because the souls of the powerful who police our providences have been eaten away by the cankerworm of corruption through money, fame, and fornication.

Money is fine if you don’t love it, placing it before God and making it number one in your life. It is a terrible master but a wonderful servant. 

Fame is a byproduct of the man who has humbled himself and been exalted, meaning that though fame may come to some believers, that does not mean that believers are of the same fame and stature as the modern pop star, but rather Christ or John the Revelator in their time. 

Fornication is terrible regardless of how you slice it, and because of this, God provided the way of marriage as a means for the believer to avoid it. Yet we wonder why our governments have worked so hard to destroy the nuclear family, why they have perverted our modern morals and corrupted the sanctity of marriage. They are simply spiking our spiritual waters with hints of the villain's venom, hoping to bring us down to their lower level so they may remain on top.

Nowadays, if you’re not divorced, you're on your way. When you’re on your way, you’re open to all doorways to fornications, and behind one of those doors is homosexuality, and behind a smaller, child-sized door within that door is a far more terrible thing, a door no adult should enter through, but many, especially the rich and powerful, do. 

This world and its rulers are wicked. This is not stated without merit or revelation but by the word of God, which a son or daughter of Him shall prophecy. I am not afraid of what comes next the way billionaires who build bunkers are. There is no bunker fortified nor deep enough to shield them from the wrath of God. 

They know this. They are sitting ducks, quacked out of their mind, knowing what comes next. 

This leads me to my final point, the inspiration of this piece: the world has made its bed and is ready and willing to sleep in it. Why have we, the children of God, not done the same with our resting place?

We who have the promise, the revelation, the truth, and the power have not made our bed but defile it with the world's people. Denominations, dogmas, personal vices, and lies we tell ourselves to justify our non-scriptural beliefs are the greatest offenders to our bedroom. 

The world and its children have gotten to a state where they are doing evil things for the sake of being evil. Why have we not gotten to a place where we are doing good things for the sake of being good? We should not use our gifts to be influencers who benefit ourselves alone, nor use Christ as a catapult to our careers in fame and fortune. We should use our gifts to edify the body of Christ unashamedly, being motivated by eternal life and expecting more than materialistic rewards. However, God has given us the expectation that He will provide our needs.

Do your job and let God do His. 

The spiritual war that has always been fought is in full swing. The devil is no longer in the details but rather the politician, pop star, and preacher of false doctrine. If we are to go to war, we must turn away from the adornment of deception and instead take on the whole armor of God and all its doctrine. 

Times have never been more serious. It has come to the point where insanity is the main mentality. Those who are good are branded as evil, and evil is propagated as good. We live in an age where, when someone asks how to come to Christ as opposed to Mohammed, you’re ridiculed, criticized, and banned for ‘hate speech.’

This is no longer a game, hobby, or Sunday morning tradition where we frolic through the flower fields of faith. This is life or death, and the servants of the dark master not only hunger for money, fame, and fornication but also for blood.

They desire that we all would die spiritually more than physically, for in a physical death, the believer goes to God, but in a spiritual death, the wages of sin, your soul goes to the devil in Hell. 

This desire is their commission.

 What is the great commission of the believer? To go into all the world and preach the gospel, regardless of what comes next.


The Curse of the New Year


Peace Be Unto You