
Dearly beloved,

My moon and my stars

The one that I find most


You are my favorite portion of all of creation

There is nothing on Earth that holds more of my love

When you adore the ocean, I adore it, too, for in your adoration, I gain


When the light of your eyes shines as you

Gaze upon the many pieces of man

I look through your eyes and witness the beauty in 

The artistry

Your devotion is mine; my yearning is yours

I am yours, and you are mine

Since the beginning of our courtship

I have known this truth

Out of a world of options, I chose


For you are more heavenly than all the rest 

Inside and out

Your character is as the ripest fruit

I rejoice at your gentlest, marvel at your meekness, and leap like my heart when you loose your love

I am jubilant in your joy, gracious in your goodness, and take pride in your peace

I am in awe of your long-suffering

Your appearance is the most divine reflection

Your hair is as long as the bride’s veil

You are clothed in modesty and righteousness

You are the greatest gift outside of salvation

My love, you are made perfect through Christ

There is nothing that could taint that blood

No one could take away that power

When I look through it, I see the real you

Where you see your faults, I see your innocence

Where you see your weaknesses, I see your strengths

While you focus on your shortcomings, my heart is on how far you’ve come

When the enemy comes to remind you of your sin, I see nothing but a pardon

When you look into the mirror and criticize the reflection, I see where the Master’s brushstrokes have created a masterpiece

There is nothing and no one more artistic to me

You and I are one

Your beauty is my beauty, which is to say, my strength is your strength

My sorrow is my suffering; your cross is mine

We face all challenges together, and by this promise, jointly face an overcome world

Bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh, I cleave to thee

No man upon this earth can put us asunder

I cherish every mortal minute spent with you

Every mile we move 

Our fellowship is my greatest desire; as it was at the beginning, so is it now

We are souls of eternity that temporarily walk this Earth

And despite the afflictions, infirmities, and persecution, you have made every moment worth it

I would endure a million more beatings and walk a million more miles for you

For I knew that with every step I took toward you, you took a similar step toward me

In this, we know that though we walked a million miles, they were not walked alone

But when required,  I walked it


Oh, my beloved, I love you more than you can imagine

What is in store for us is mortally unimaginable

You cannot fathom the eternity that awaits

The moments that we’ll share

Until then, I anticipate the wedding supper

Where will not see catastrophe

But will spend one thousand years in one accord

At our beautiful and fruitful millennium


Evidence of the Living Heart of God