Evidence of the Living Heart of God

A coin is incomplete without a head and a tail, similar to how a heart cannot be broken without first being present.

An empty house has no value in the eyes of a thief, which is why he robs the house of jewels rather than the empty one.

By a good word, he hears it, and by his craft, he enters it. 

He is like the devil who invades the house of the Lord long before the laity arrives, which raises the question: Why does the devil enter the church before the believer? 

Why are we born in sin and shaped in iniquity until we are held accountable?

The answer: For the same reason, the believers rejoice: Christ will surely come.

The devil breaks the heart to fill it with sin, knowing Who is coming. Though he has already lost, he takes a mallet and chisel to the heart of stone, attempting to shape it in his image.

The devil knows the scriptures better than the average Christian, and he recognizes the prophecies as truths, hence why he is a liar and a master swindler when he speaks of them. However, despite the enticing lemonade offered during his hottest seasons, he remains a lemon.

More than this, he is afraid.

Of you.

Not you alone, but you with He who is coming. He who is within you. He who has already fulfilled the Pentecost prophecy, and by this, we know that greater is he that is in you than he who is in the world.

The evidence of jewels in a home is a thief. The sign of a heart that beats is a break. The manifestation of the living heart of God is you and I.

You, the believer that comes against all odds and stands as a born-again son or daughter of God despite the world’s prosecution to pull you to your knees.

You, who is gentle to the brute, loving to the hateful, joyous in sorrow, at peace in the conflict, long-suffering of the impatient, good despite the wicked, have faith and don’t doubt, who are meek and not proud, and temperate rather than indulgent.

We who have the heart of God because He dwells within ours.

Those who the enemy fears because we are the promise of their expected end,

The testimony that the God of love is present because we have rejected a world of hate.

We are the prophetic people spoken into existence before the foundation of the world—us, enduring beings that came from the everlasting God and were present in the thoughts of His heart.

We are the expression of God’s love to this day. It was He who desired to fellowship with us, to begin with. 

It was us whom He redeemed, through Christ, to reserve us a seat at the wedding supper.

So we ask, “What love does a man have when he takes a bride?”

To a successful outcome, the love of God.

No truer love can marry them, for if God has brought them together, no man, including himself, can put them asunder. 

Thus, in the typing of the bride and the groom, we see the Bride and the Groom, which is God’s love for us.

For you.


You are the plea of God, the voice sent to this generation that so desperately needs Him. You, sons and daughters, are the ardor of God made manifest.

To the world, you are nothing, though you would be their everything. To God, you are everything, though you were once nothing.

He is real. 

He is alive. 

He is in you. 

You are a portion of eternity that has been here from the beginning, and by this, we know that your soul shall not be destroyed. 

That which is infinite is endless, for it is of God and is God. That which was created, though made by Him, will have an end. 

Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but his words shall not.

You are His spoken word.

Awaken, original seed! Awaken! Your time, as you have been placed, is now. You have arrived; the enemy cowers.

What hath an enemy to fear without power behind its adversary?

The Lord sayeth,

“I am your power when powerless, your strength when you are weak, and your heart when it is broken.

The broken heart has been refreshed, restored, and renewed.”

Behold the great physician. Make Him known as the light that shines upon a hill, combatting the darkness in your absence.

“You and I are one; I am the light and the life.

You are my voice to a dying world, the professing tongue that says Jesus Christ is alive.

Go forth, my children. Go forth, knowing I will not depart from you. 

I will not leave you nor forsake you.”





Generation of Fools