God’s Economy

My precious brothers and sisters,

It is with great honor that I address you again in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. 

I come to you today with a testimonial most relevant to our current economic situation.

As best as I can read, this circumstance seems most dire: We face an economic recession held by the stalemate of indecision. 

To clarify, in hopes of avoiding the courts and council, this is not financial advice in the literal sense, but instead, spiritual counsel to help us with the unseen wealth. 

Let us begin with the word “money.” 

Money is the root of all evil, but even wickedness is held in subjugation by the hands of the Lord, used as a tool at his bidding. 

Thus, the inspiration for this text is found in economic struggle. 

As the gospel is written, we know we are not to worry about worldly things. Food, water, clothing, and funds are all provided by the Provider. 

Still, as Gentiles, we find ourselves in constant worry due to the thoughts plaguing our minds. We cannot see clearly like a sailor entrapped amid the fog that flows over the ocean before the lighthouse. 

In fairness and humanity, it is understandable to ask how we are not to worry about food when there’s more than one mouth to feed or water when our body requires gallons. Fair-mindedly, we know that without clothes, we run naked, and without money, all things previous cannot be attained. 

Alas, the root of all evil, boring itself into our lives and intertwining as a weed within the wheat, the Suffocate of Freedom.

Now, what of the opposite perspective? 

Currency, as wicked as it is, has a heavenly catch: Money is a terrible master but a marvelous menial. 

If the Earth’s economy is an absolute in our lives, it is not in our best interest to change the variable, but rather change the value it’s been given, the position it’s placed in our lives, through God’s mathematics. 

Not only does God provide all things, but he multiplies them in His time and season. 

That which ye give shall be multiplied two-fold; that which you sow on earth shall you sow in heaven.

Investing in God, the Eternal Economist bears far better fruit in a season than the American bill year-round.

God is backed by His standard, booming, and consistent in providing the prerequisites of His children.

Meanwhile, being backed by an invisible bankroll, fabricated and unfaithful, the dollar could be easily thwarted by no more than a flickering flame from the weakest lighter. 

Place God at the forefront of your life, and ye shall be about the greatest business; you shall be as Christ. 

Believers know this is not written in complete disregard of our monetary positions. The Lord, through open-ended answering and the seventh angel messenger, has placed three rules to follow:

Make all you can, save all you can, and give all you can. 

Activate your faith, my brothers and sisters. Be brave enough to be an entrepreneur. This is a brilliant revelation that God’s pre-gentile people have already discovered. 

Through your faith and understanding of all these things, you shall not only invest in your spiritual bank but will witness the workings of God through His promises. 

No, God is not actualized in the dollar bill alone but is made real in all things if He is the focus of your life. When He is all you look to, He is all you see. As you continue your walk, He will increase all things, first spiritually. 

In your hard work, you will be rewarded. 

In your wisdom shall you prosper.

In your charity, the chief of all these things, you will be blessed. 

From this, all believers, in perfect position, shall witness the compounding of God’s economy, His people, valued appreciably more than all things, despite our spiritual and literal recession. 

Amid revival, the economy booms. Amid recession, there is scarce spending. 

Take this in the natural and the spiritual so you may be immune to the economic crash soon to come, constantly present but on hold by the hand of God. 

Worry not about the things of this world; God sees you

I pray you see this truth in the findings of this text against all statistical odds. 

Be in constant prayer, my brothers and sisters; invest in your heavenly home. God will not leave you nor forsake you; this is sure

As a humble and up-until-this-moment profitless poet, I have seen the hand of god in my life, especially in critical times. 

He will deliver you; He will provide, despite what happens next. 

He is the only investment worth making in times such as these. 

I pray this blesses you and finds you well and until our next meeting, my friends and family, 

May God richly bless you. 


An Address to King Geoffrey Wayabire and the Believers of Uganda
