An Address to King Geoffrey Wayabire and the Believers of Uganda

To my precious brother, King Geoffrey Wayabire, and the Ugandan body of Jesus Christ, 

I greet thee in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; the same yesterday, today, and forever; our savior, our provided way. 

You are a lovely people, an inspiration to me. It is an honor to have witnessed what God has done and is doing with you in your homeland in the revivalist’s hour, to behold the saving of souls by the hundreds of thousands in a time tirelessly trying to destroy them. 

You are walking miracles, an anomaly of the earthen. Despite what the devil has thrown at you, you have steadfastly withstood his wiles repeatedly, without fail, as representatives of the Almighty. 

My dearest Ugandan siblings, know that our God, allowing trial and temptation, has not opened the oppressive enemy to discourage you but to prove you in adversarial fire. 

You have survived plague, pain, poverty, and famine, all while staring the enemy in the face in the streets, and for some of you, like all of us, the mirrors. 

You are a powerful people, fighters in a time of defeatists and overcomes in a world of the overthrown.

Stay strong, my brothers and sisters, and know that I, a humble American plagued by a nation of politics and perversions, hold you in my heart as a means for it to keep beating. You are one of many reasons I rise from my bed, write for hours, and face the faithless multitudes in battle. 

My heart beats for you. 

Blood flows through my veins as a raging river, the same way the eternal blood of Christ flows through us all. Because of you, my faith in the Father is reaffirmed; my fire burns brighter daily, for I see the evidence of the Infinite in every one of you. 

You have yet to meet me on this earthen plane, but we have met and will meet again at our end destination. The very same place we began, the predestinated, chosen few, who walk through the inflammation of fury and are not touched by its fervor. 

Stand on the firm foundation of faith; believe continually; love your brother as God has loved you, and I, you, the same. 

Your brother from the Church of Jesus Christ.


Threat to a Nation


God’s Economy