Dark days are upon us.
The children of darkness act as stakeholders of an earth to which they shall not fall heir. It is not theirs. It is ours, for the meek shall inherit it.
The new earth cometh,
But who stands ready to claim it?

A great deal of evil-doers have stood against the gospel.
Some are more worldly than others, and others are more religious than the world. Even the sun is shrouded in darkness as the time of the eclipse takes hold. Behold, a great shadow crosses America, and the country does not see it.

The heavens and earth are moving now more than ever.
Who moves with them?
Is it to the unknown neighbor that he should inherit the buck, or should we desire the Lord like the hart that panteth after the waters?
Wherefore is our identity? Is it in Christ? To the believer, the answer is swift, but to others, it remains unknown.

I have hope that the believers will abound, that joy will fill their hearts as the light doth fill the lantern, for though the times are dark, the believers are bright.
If nothing else, I say I have the light. I will stand before the world of the wicked, not alone, but with He who has overcome it.
Even still, I see the body in Him, for when my eyes are opened, I behold the vindicated unveiled, and there she is, the bride beside me.
“Now,” she shouts, “The bridegroom cometh!” And he who has an ear hears.

The children of darkness have been here many years, but now the children of God have arrived.
We who have access to the fullness of the word and all the power of the Holy Ghost are acting, representing our Lord, and walking as giants in a land of demons who scatter when hearing our footsteps.
They hear the Eagle’s cry and flee, hear the Lion’s roar and tremble, watch the oxen work and sweat, and when they look to see either of the three, instead, they see a man: Jesus Christ, walking within the sons and daughters of God.

How do we know this is true?
Many are the spreaders of lies, the doers of misdeeds, and the deliverers of deception. Under such circumstances, can anyone be saved?

If it were not so, he would have told us, but instead, he stated that the devil cannot deceive the elect, for they hear the proven promise through the parable of the prophet and cannot be shaken.

What grounds does the enemy have to speak on?
What have they done besides lie?
They have not come close to the truth that is Jesus Christ. He beat every one of them, for he is the One above all.
Who among them has come back from the beating? Who among them has risen from the dead?

Only God has. He is the one truth, one way, and one life provided by the perfect sacrifice that was, and is, and is to come: Jesus Christ.

When he was crucified, there we were, those who would believe it. When he was placed in the tomb, we were put there with him. When he conquered death,
We did, too.

By this assurance, we sing, “Oh, death, where is your sting? Grave, where is your victory?” He is risen, and with this faith, this hope, we know now is our time.

N ow, we rise.

Rise to the challenge of the adversary, for what challenge is there in an adversary who is already defeated?
Rise to higher places, Symbol of John, for what do we have to fear when the Eagle’s wings carry us?
Rise to the occasion, for what better occasion is there than the occasion of the coming of Christ?
Rise above the waters of man, for what terror do the depths distribute when Christ has already walked them?

We are overcomers of the world, for Christ overcome it first. When he overcame it, there we were, for though we are the last, as the scriptures state, we were also the first.
We are the predestinated bride, those who many seek but few shall find.
We are the chosen, those who were called out of the world and made the third temple, where H e is delighted to dwell.
W e have been given the power to take the inheritance given to us before the foundation of the world and unjustly stolen from us today.

Yay, though the giants of Jericho gawk, they have yet to meet you. The real you. The Holy Ghost filled you.
The properly and perfectly placed you. The powerfully positioned you. The one who was called according to His purpose, you.

Of this One, they have not seen.
If you want the promise, the blessings, and the bride needed to bring the rapture, then the unveiling must begin now. Now, we must act.
Yet the cast asks, “How do we take action? What of the gait?"
The answer is, “Do as our Lord did before us, step by step.

Word for word and act for act for act.”
We must do what our Lord did, faces of the living Christ:
Now is your time. Now it is your day. Now, is the inheritance to be claimed.

So unto you, my revelatory people, I give you a word.
A word so simple yet so powerful, by the revelation, that it could save millions.
That word? It is the word that describes what our Lord did, that we must do in our day for the sake of those who are within and those who are without,
And that word is





The Clause of Nuclear Hopelessness