
I see the Eagle and the sparrow.

The sparrow stands on the fence, gazing over the field before. Behind it? The Eagle perched perfectly upon the same partition. 

The Eagle sees, even has seen, far more than the sparrow can. Now, before, and forever, this remarkable bird, with vision beyond that of any other, sees farther, higher, and more precise. 

Thus, the sparrow trusts the Eagle’s vision, and the Eagle protects the sparrow. 

I am the sparrow. 

You’ve heard it said that His eye is on this bird of two farthings, and knowing this, we catch the revelation that God has His eyes on us, even more so. 

Yet, I sympathize with the sparrow; I appreciate his significance. 

He is a small bird of minor fame, often overlooked given his lack of beauty. 

Far more beautiful birds can catch the purchasing people's eyes, but the sparrow is always left for last. 

Still, God sees the sparrow. 

There am I, the insignificant bird of great significance, made so by our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Without his word, this bird is a nuisance, tweeting endlessly, nesting annoyingly, and being valued at less than an American dollar,

But with his word? This bird is a blessing, singing beautifully, resting in the sanctuary, and precious to its maker. 

So, there I am, an insignificant creature made significant by the eyes of the beholder, the artist, and the Creator.

As a son of God, and to great degrees, I am even more significant than this.

Now, the Eagle stands above the bird of ten cents, gazing farther than it can. 

Seeing this, we are introduced to what could be a problem, for the sparrow cannot see what the Eagle sees nor physically rise to its heights.

Still, the sparrow, I, and we must—our destiny is to change the atmosphere, which can only be done by coming up higher.

So, then, I see myself as the Eagle, for though my body may be like a sparrow’s, the spirit is its partner. 

In the spirit, I soar, but in the flesh, I am limited. 

Oh, how I grieve for my brother David, who chiefly mused about such elevations but could never reach them.

Then, I say, “The Eagle flies where the sparrow could not,” which is to say that David danced so we could worship,

Among other things.

Oh, fearfully and wonderfully made, your value is beyond compare. 

That is why man cannot value you in their discernment. They do not have a currency that can match your price. 

They may purchase five sparrows for sixty cents but cannot procure what Jesus Christ has already acquired. 

Though man may see the sparrow, God considers the eagle, and the believer, walking with Him, sees both. 

I am the sparrow, the eagle; I am the believer that has visualized both, for I have seen their characteristics in myself and others. 

Of my own accord? God forbid. It is by Christ these attributes are seen. 

It is not my vision but the vision of the Eagle—we have seen it since it has been shared.

Now, the body watches, and now, we make ready.

Sing the songs. Bring the blessings. Rest in the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Dance the dances—worship in the spirit and rise higher in the atmosphere, you who are like sparrows but soar as eagles.


Generation of Fools
