The Expected End

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you,” saith the Lord, “Thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” Jeremiah 29:11.

My precious brothers and sisters, I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I hope that this letter inspires, comforts, and gives you hope through the Holy Ghost. 

In my recent wanderings upon the digital landscape, I have witnessed a great deal of fear being spread by the believers and not. Yay, the populace looks to the heavens and sees the signs, not being inspired but terrified. The non-believer gazes, unable to ignore the ‘coincidences’ that fulfill one of many prophecies of the Lord’s return. Then, a worse thought eclipses the believers, for they do not see the signs and visualize vindication, saying, “Behold, the bridegroom cometh,” but instead see their demise and claim they know the day that will bring it. I do not see the body of Jesus Christ, nor the bride, but the defeatist and the fearful. This, by no means, is an acceptable representation of our Lord, for we are not defeated but have overcome through he who already has and should be living within us by this revelation. I do not see the fearless, but the fearful, who do not have a fear of the Lord but fear him because of the thoughts that they listen to that are not his. 

Thus, the ‘believer’ fear mongers, removing all hope without restoring it, for the spirit they go forward with is not the spirit of God, which is love, but a spirit of fear, which has the foundation of hate. Thus, I protest your ministry, for it is not a message of peace, joy, or hope but of the contrary, which is, by definition, not of God. Though the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, as the psalmist states, the fear you conjure is not founded on faith but hatred, failing to establish our reverence for our savior. In this, we know that the eclipse should not induce a state of parole but of peace in the promise made to the believer. 

The key is being a true believer who is more than saved but is redeemed. The redeemed receive the revelation, the truth. The rest do not. Only the bride can be redeemed. They are those whom the Bridegroom cometh to give us an expected end. The saved do not see this, for they do not end but continue, unrighteously drinking the blood of Jesus Christ in their communion with him, rendering its power in their lives and those they encounter of no effect. Now, you see the danger of such mentalities and spirits, for they are all connected.

So many times, we find the faithful obsessed with the final coming of Christ but not with the Lord himself. They doom and condemn the world, not having the life of Christ, which is the Holy Ghost, within them, but a religious spirit that is self-destructive and damaging, even deadly to those who are caught in its detonation blast. The believer should be obsessed with the Lord—in love with him, producing life and providing hope in hopeless times. This is why we, the prophets, are so by the revelation that those who profess the word of the Lord are minor prophets, for we testify of what is to come by faith in God’s word. 

The question becomes, “If we are prophets, who are we sent to?” According to his words written in the book of Jeremiah? Babylon. America is Babylon, the same as any nation that has rejected God, worshipping idols and relishing in wickedness. We are the prophets sent to them, to the little ones who are left. Behold, we are sent to gather those who are in the world so they may return to their spiritual one, which is the kingdom of heaven, revealed by the spoken word and made accessible by the Holy Ghost, who is Christ Jesus, who is the son, who was the Father to Jeremiah, the same as he is all of these titles to us.

To that end, I ask if we have ended, for we cannot be one with God if we actively separate ourselves from Him. This separation is found in the absence of the new birth; we can only be sons and daughters of God if we have been born of His spirit, the same as my mother is my mother, and I her son, because I came from her womb. Are you born of God, or are you still of the flesh? This is an important question you must answer, for the answer is a matter of life and death; in this answer, we find the life that is Jesus Christ and the death that is sin, which is of the devil, given the disbelief. But even in death, there is life. Many may live and die in the flesh, listening to the lustful allures of Lucifer. In contrast, few will live in the flesh and die to it, constituting a new birth. 

Being saved is not enough. 

The evidence of the epistles makes this clear—even the requirement placed by God's program, saying we must be born again, adds to this.

Do not ignore the Lord thy God who has said this to you

We are justified by faith, sanctified by the blood, and redeemed by the Holy Ghost, and we have the power to produce born-again believers. These are the three stages of grace.

Still, it’s asked, “What relevance does this have to the end of the world?” I say, “Everything,” while the saved say, “Nothing.” To elaborate, when thinking about worlds, the most important one that requires your concern is your own, first, and your brothers and sisters, second, gaining priority after receiving the Holy Spirit. Then the Lord will ask, “What have you done since you have received the Holy Ghost?”

We are sent to the world; we are worlds within this one, having the power to change the atmosphere, not with our power but by the power of What You Should Have by Now. This is the commission, and instead of doing our duty, we cower behind our screens, spreading fear in Satan’s supplication rather than comfort in fellowship with our brothers and sisters.

Test the spirits.

Satan’s thoughts toward you are thoughts of stress and evil, encouraging you not to end but to continue in comfort and take refuge in your religion.

Hear this: religion is not enough, and that is thus sayeth the Lord. 

Being saved is not enough. This repetition is not redundant but intentional. The saved have religion but not eternal life. Since faith cometh by hearing, and you have heard the words of the prophets, which are the words of God, given unto those who have heard and believed, receiving the fullness of the word through the revelation given unto the prophet of the age, have received the inheritance and the promise. 

Hear ye him. 

In no digression do we continue in a new direction but refer back to the old, placing importance on the end of our world and not the world as we know it. 

What is more common? The end of our world or the world we live in? Millions die in the flesh daily, yet the world remains. Thus, this is more common and should be our top priority.

What is more known? No man knows the day nor the hour, but we know that death is the great equalizer. To that end, we don’t know when we will die, for God may take us tomorrow or in twenty years, but he will take us nonetheless. Thus, again, the priority is not to ‘best guess’ the coming of the Lord but to know through faith (which is to take on the mind of Christ) that the Lord cometh to give us an expected end today, though his prophets. 

Now is your time; the rapture is happening now; we are the revival.

Now, do you see? Have your eyes been opened, or do you remain blind? Is this blindness chosen or predestinated? These are all questions you must ask and answer yourself before you inevitably answer the Lord, either here or on that day of judgment. The good news is that the bride receives her judgment here, but the rest will not. 

Who are you? Do you wear the wedding garment? Has our Lord given you an expected end? Do you take the life you’ve been given to the lost in Babylon or condemn them selfishly, harboring eternal life like a glutton who can never be satiated though his cup overflows? We are not herders but hoarders; joyless and not joyful, fearful and not fearless, dead and not alive. We do not fish for men but eat them until their grease flows down our cheeks, destroying them far before we offer deliverance. 

What is this wicked and adulterous generation—you who seek signs and wonders? We are worshippers of the sun and moon far before we are true worshippers of Christ. We are Babylonians far before we are Christians.

Who am I to you? A peer or a prophet? Judgment or deliverance? Yes, we behold that the Bridegroom cometh, but have you ever asked yourself if he comes for you? Do you know his thoughts toward you? Do you have peace? Has he given you your expected end?

There is still time, and even following the eclipse; I believe there will be still, for though the completion of the gentile dispensation is at hand, mercy is still present. This is your hope, believers and not. The God of hope is here, and with this promise, we believe He will not leave you nor forsake you. These are words of life, and if you believe them, you will attain them. Don’t run to the applications; run to the alter! Don’t run to the people who preach cultish, doomsday doctrine, but to your pastor! Where both of these are present, may you receive the Holy Ghost through prayer and true repentance. What is a genuine repentance? It is a complete turning away from your sin and turning to the cross instead. Do not turn away from this. Do not turn back. Go to the cross and cling to Jesus until you have received all the promises written in this text but revealed in the chief one. His word—the Holy Ghost—will seal you as the born-again Christian you were predestinated to be.

Repent, my people! The kingdom of heaven is at hand! Even this is a greater revelation once you know who the kingdom of heaven is, which you will receive through the previous stipulations.

Look upon the stars and see His glory; see the celestial bodies and wonder: What is man that He would think of us? These thoughts of our expected end, provided by the love of God exclusively, are what He thinks toward us now and what He thought on that day of Pentecost.


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