The Good Man Wins

There is an old saying, a proverb, that goes, “Nice guys finish last.” This is a familiar saying that many men, often in pain and suffering, have taken to heart as a dagger, stopping their beats minute after minute until they no longer beat. However, this saying shows us positivity, encouragement, and strength in Christ when applying God’s word, despite its inherent negativity and connotation. 

Darkness is only present when light is not, meaning a negative can be a positive depending on the individual's mindset. Mirroring, we hold the power to bring light to the dark, the same way we can take that power and turn a positive into a negative.

Now, you, the good man (here, being interchanged with nice), how are you proverbially ‘good?’ Is it by your own accord? To some, their definition of good is backed by man’s definitions and manipulations of the term of absolute good, which is not a matter of characteristics and actions alone but determined based on the touchstone of God’s word. Therefore, the good man does what is right and follows his Master’s word. Furthering this thought, in the scripture where we find the scribing that says, “The first shall be last, and the last shall be first,” we read, even hear the revelation that a man of God can have to be given strength, encouragement, and light in times of weakness, hopelessness, and darkness. 

If the man catches this revelation, he has seen a glimpse of his identity.

We recognize that the chosen, being there before the foundation of the world, is identified when we read another scribing, saying, “Let us make man in our image.” There is the chosen identified given God is not multiple but is one, and is referring to someone other than himself, which at that time could not be the angels, who have different purposes, but someone else, who can be you or not be you depending on your acceptation of God’s word. Nonetheless, the same plural people that are a singular organism here in the last days were there in the first. This is all said to this end: if the good man is to finish last, he has already finished first, according to his revelation, which should be the revelation of Jesus Christ. 

Still, there is more to be said, and the modern virtualists lead this charge of speaking far more than listening and advocating far more than acting by saying, with good intentions, “Good guys always lose.” This parable has the same negative perspective previously applied, for it is saying without directly verbalizing that the good man will lose all things of this world to gain all that it has to offer, making him a loser. Still, I offer you a new parable, saying that the good man who loses the world will gain eternal life, the real victory that the world will not see and does not desire. Thus, another manipulation of the term is solidified by the matriarchs of man to the men who will listen but are shattered by the man who does not stand on man’s municipalities but stands on God’s word. To that end, I ask what Mark asked: "What does it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul? What shall a man give in exchange for it?” Yes, the world offers riches, power, and beauty beyond compare, which is the same deception that the devil used on day one, as that old serpent. But what are riches? What attains power? What garners beauty? Not all deceptions shine and glimmer like gold, but they come in the form of our sisters in the brotherhood of mankind. Thus, as men of God, we must ask ourselves if the sister we seek to purchase with our pearls is a sister in Christ or a sister in the flesh—a spouse or a swine.

To my sisters of both, understand that this is not said to bring offense but rather reveal the importance of valuing what blessings God has given us the same as you, being the most important of these, which is a spouse. To the man, the best thing he can receive from God outside of his salvation is a wife, for she is valued far above rubies by the revelation of Jesus Christ. Therefore, my precious sisters, if you can catch this revelation, you will understand the importance of being one with Christ Jesus and will recognize your value as a daughter of God who was purchased by the blood of Jesus and sought to be purchased by the pearls that match the value of the rubies, deserved by you who appreciates them and not the swine who savors slop.

Now, to the swine, who may not recognize their nature, thinking they speak when they oink and smell of sweet savor when they are a stench in the nostrils of the Lord: the pig does not recognize its nature, for it is not drawn to its recognition nor self-awareness but to the things it desires, being baths in the mud, lounging in the sun, and gobbling of garbage. Mirroring, the swine does not identify with Christ but the world's values, opinions, beliefs, and ways. Therefore, when the sow sees a good, Godly man, it does not value him for what he is worth—for what he has and who he is, but for what he looks like, his compromises, and his similarity in nature. When these standards are absent, the same man is ‘pitied’ when he plays her game until the game becomes boring and the ‘bad boy’ manifests. This is found in the scripture when God states, “They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world and the world heareth them. We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us.”

Now, we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error—the identified will be identified, regardless of their self-proclaimed affiliation, by their fruits, if nothing else.

Brothers, do not waste your time on the prospects who propagate negativity founded in contrary beliefs but spend your time on the things of God and let Him provide you with a Godly, Holy Ghost-filled woman of God who will come to you when you least expect it. Your time is God’s time, and His time, which is now, is always perfect. This perfection will be personified in she who is brought to you, the same as he (ladies) will also be, for we are made perfect in Christ by the purchasing power of his blood. 

To this end, I say, to those of you who are in pain and suffering due to the ill-identification and misplacement of value, both yourself and your romantic pursuits, let Christ be your relief. Your suffering be with him, for though we are called to suffer, it is for Christ’s sake, not our own. Thus, let us not permissively suffer, for that can be avoided by walking in his perfect will, not only understanding what has been written here but all that has been written in His word.


The Expected End


The Importance of the Church