Threat to a Nation

To the beloved body of believers comprising the modern face of Jesus Christ, 

I do not write this in the spirit I have written before, being one of overwhelming optimism, encouragement, and calm. I write to you in a spirit of urgency, emergency, and steadfastness. 

Though I speak in singular terms, this is a pluralistic statement, for we are a nation within a nation, a church within the Vatican. We are not welcomed nor wanted by our own, most offensively and criminally. 

We look for the devil’s blades in our backs and find our brother’s bayonet instead. 

America, you have forgotten your first love and allegiance, the foundation you were built on, the catalyst of your creation. You have rejected your Maker in favor of Lady Liberty, akin to the great whore. 

Your freedom blinds you. 

We would sooner look to the laws of politicians than to the code of Christ. We would instead look to the ordinances of old rather than the new proclamations. 

Some of us, most shamefully, dare to call ourselves Christians while not looking to either charter.

The laws of man bring destruction, which has been made clear by modern magistrates and the word of God. Our country falls apart at the hinges, its laws not enough of a bind, and its people in far too many. 

As the prophet said, since America rejected him, God, and His word, we have been cursed, hurled into a downward spiral that will only terminate in tragedy.

Our country is doomed to crumble; nothing but Christ can save it, and even then, it will only prolong its destitute destiny. 

I do not say this with a pessimistic perspective, for this nation, a land of falsified freedom does offer opportunity. I believe that if the nation within the nation would rise to the occasion, we would see another revival, perhaps the last. 

But instead of rising to the occasion, we fall into folly. We bludgeon the brothers who don’t share our same view, scripturally and politically. Even now, after hearing me condemn the pursuit of politics, some have closed their minds so they may continue to hide in spurious sanctuary and justice.

Believers, anything contrary to God is evil, and this world has much wickedness. 

But what of the wrongful without the world? What of the warped within?

We have discussed an imploding America but have yet to consider ourselves the enemies within the church's walls, both within and without ourselves.

Plainly, as vile as an outsider may be, how much more are we who have not examined ourselves?

And how can we, when we are too busy examining others, criticizing and condemning our brothers and them, backsliding to the same spirit, denouncing and damning us in gossiping form?

They speak ill of our insecurities as we judge them for their giants. 

We would sooner preach a sermon of ill will than evangelize a message of eternal life. 

We are our greatest enemy; the devil need not lift a finger. What is left for the roaring lion to consume if we destroy each other at every opportunity?

Yet, we claim we are “Mrs. Jesus Christ” while acting as Mrs. Lucifarian. 

What a shameful example we are, all without having any shame. 

How are we to be a sweet savor, not only to Christ but to the non-believer? We stink of sin as the rotting corpse that has seen many days of death. I ask, “Who should reek of this stench: Satan and his goons or God’s people?” Scripturally, we know the answer, yet we continue in our arrogance, leaving others ignorant.

We are the most significant threat to our nation, an inside agent, destroying from within by lowering our standard established by Christ, demoralizing our community for selfish desires and wants in subtle, unseen, and unknown ways. 

We mirror the country we inhabit, taking on its spirit rather than God’s, content with our Neo-worship rather than the perpetual praise established in the beginning.

We have lost the sincerity of our sacrifice and our revelation with it. Instead of slaughtering the lamb, we bring fruits of our understanding. We no longer drink the blood but have elected to guzzle the grape juice.

We must return to the laws with the spirit, the Holy Ghost, and the doctrine. We will learn to love and strengthen as a community through the new birth. 

Yes, it is the more challenging way of life, being tough to swallow, taking longer to ferment, and putting ourselves aside so Christ stands center. Still, despite the challenge, it is the most rewarding way of life, beautiful in all its love, sweet to the belly, and quickening in spirit, perfect in placing us in precise position.

Hear me, brothers and sisters: know I say this in a spirit of love: as it stands, in our disposition of the hour, we will either be the furtherment of our faith, the downfall of our dogma, or the damnation of our dependence, either being religious or practicing religion.

We must identify as either Christians or capitalists. We stand as politicians, lest we prevail as patriarchs. 

Either we have the spirit of Jesus Christ or the apparition of the antichrist. I pray you search yourselves to find yours. 

Judge, not your peers, my scrapping siblings. Cling closer to Christ. Let He, who is perfect in judgment, try those before you. 

God bless you. 


The Children of Israel


An Address to King Geoffrey Wayabire and the Believers of Uganda