Generation of Fools

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction,” Proverbs 1:7.

We live in dangerous times. The devil's wiles have taken hold through his finite knowledge, which, even in its lack of completion, is enough to deceive the masses. Most believers, and not alike, support antichrist dogmas, doctrines, and politics. They are blinded by their hubris and made stupid by their intelligence. They are possessed by demons who call themselves Christ and can complete the heist due to the individuals’ incomplete revelation.

Those who know Christ even once believe in Christ, indeed. Those who comprehend Christ have never and still do not know him.

Oh, you gentiles! You’re as blind as the Jews that were made blind for your sake! You persecute Christ in his people and crucify them In the same public manner, the same as the Pharisees before you and the haters of Noah and Abraham before them. You, the self-proclaimed Keepers of the Law and Hoarders of Knowledge, who seek themselves far before they seek God.

You push your politics far before your praise. You persecute rather than bring peace. You are putrid in the nostrils of the Lord and a disgrace to your faith. You are a representative of Satan and a worshipper of his ways.

And the worst of it is that you don’t see it. Even now, the spirits inside you hate the words you read and light the fires of hatred inside you.

Prepare yourself. Activate your faith. It’s only going to get harder to hear from here. 

I am not ignorant to the slew of laws being passed in America, the same way I am not naive to the wickedness of this nation. America, you Babylonians—worshippers of gods and idols, and lovers of sin, getting drunk off the blood of the martyrs and saints: your time is nigh. All of Hell moves against you to shift the balance into the hands of the antichrist. There is a spiritual invasion that has taken hold of the actual country of this nation, which is the people who have aligned with the coming devilman, the same as you. You, country of warmongers, adulterers, child sexualizers and sacrificers, and all other forms of wickedness are terrorists, much like the religions and politics you come against. 

It is all wicked! Man is wicked! His laws are wicked! Yet, you’d sooner align with the communists and terrorists before the Lord? You drive the American people and, to an extent, the world into the hands of the beguiler. You welcome the spirit of antisemitism the same way the wicked Jews you partner with do, intentionally moving the people into Palestine’s arms to poke the proverbial bear.

The New World Order comes, and it is a world run by the Great Whore, the mother of harlots, whose blasphemous names are already present. 

Behold, the world of the woman. 

The world has demonized the order of God, the head of the woman, and the established authority in his position to the degree that the majority of you would align yourself with a bear of propaganda before a man of God. 

Notice the phrasing.

Do not be quick to anger, the same way I have not, and in my long-suffering have arrived at righteous indignation due to your ignorance, arrogance, and disobedience. 

You have framed the entirety of men as a demon, using your horrid experiences to justify such hatred. You do not create solutions with your propaganda but multiply the problems. You lead hundreds of thousands to their deaths, not caring for the well-being of your fellow man but harmful, wicked, and deadly politics. 

To put it plainly, you contribute to the spiritual death of multitudes, the cultivation of hate, and the insanity that is intellectualism, which has made you dumb. These are the same entities that men would rather kill themselves than be attacked by.

Yet, you all continue in your ways, unbothered and unchanging. How can you live with yourselves?

Understand me. I am empathetic to the horrors of the world and understand what men and women have done to women and men. I understand the hypothetical question’s intended meaning but take issue with the phrasing. 

Whether one should choose the man or the bear is irrelevant when the question is hateful, propaganda by definition, and dumb in its essence. 

It’s akin to the rest of the politics of this world. The mass wave of fools is taken by the foolish, which is and will be, for a short while, the principalities in high places. Their objective has been evident for years, taking the form of feminism first, then gender roles proceeded by the proclamations of sexual desires, and now the entire democratic and republican system. 

Notice that all of these are politics that have taken its communist, then fascist route of turning into propaganda. 

Man, in a simple term, is an animal. Without God? Even more so. The Godless nations have made this clear, proving that Man is not worse than a bear but equal to its animalistic nature, which is savage, brutal, and, though kind to degrees, a predator at its heart. Regardless of whichever you choose, you will be mauled.

The only safe choice is a man of God, who has the power to pull both into his subjection by the name of Jesus Christ. 

To elaborate on my voice on this political matter, I must address the sisters. You are who provoked me to this when you attempted to justify your demon-filled minds by twisting God’s word to mold it into the image of your politics.

Shame on you!

You make a false prophet of yourself and are out of order, out of line, and have lent your ear to the voice of the antichrist to usurp authority over a man rather than accept your position, your glorification, in Christ! You lead yourself and millions of others to the pits of Hell, which is the just reward for those who listen to demonic voices rather than the voice of God. 

Know your place in the Lord, who leads the man, and you under the man. The man is your head, the Lord is his, and you belong to both under the matrimonial law.

We were once equal, perfectly placed in the program of God in the time of Eden, but since Eve’s fall, there has been an established order in God’s word that must be followed. There are checks and balances (which I have spoken of in this text already), but one sure thing is that, above all, you follow God’s word, which must be read by the Spirit of God, which only dwells in those who are clean, consecrated, and holy.

Based on your fruits alone, I can, in good judgment, see why you do not understand what God is saying. 

Humble yourselves! Be cleansed, you wicked women—Jezebels of today! That is who I see when I examine the church of God today: Painted faces and shown skin. Not one inch of you is left as a mystery to be revealed by your husband alone. You are church reign-takers who lead your people to desolation, standing behind the pulpit, pastoring and preaching while you willfully ignore God’s command not to do so. You are an example of your mother, previously mentioned, and not Christ.

I say this to help you, though many of you will not see it:

“Let a bear robbed of her whelps meet a man rather than a fool in his folly.” Despite the emphasis on gender, this does not mean it is exclusive to men alone. Many scriptures are directed to men, and a majority are meant for men, read of all men, and to men, but all people, male and female, Jew and Gentile, and diverse races must take this scripture to heart. Thus, by placement of the scriptures, anyone who despises the wisdom and instruction of God is a fool.

Fear the Lord! This is not to say “Be afraid,” but to respect the Word you spit and step on.

You blind believers! I rebuke the devils that have you bound! Know that while God moves, the devil does, too. With every dollar, there is a counterfeit, only made visible to those who have the original print. Go to the touchstone to test the plate metal to know whether or not what you say is true. 

Politics is wicked because it is of this world—of man. It is the counterfeit, the archetype of the fallen world to come, not the New Earth that the Bride shall inherit—that you should desire to be with, not the loser Lucifer. You want to be communists and not Christians. Antisemites and not ambassadors. Politicians and not parables. You do not know the Lord, and he will say to you those words that you all so faithlessly fear: 

“Depart from me. I never knew you.”

Repent. Turn away from the wisdom of man, my people! Time is running short! When America turns its back on Israel, its last insurance holding back the wrath of God will be revoked.

America, you don’t know what you’re asking for. I pray you know God by His mercy rather than His wrath. Either way, you will come to know God. The scriptures are being fulfilled, and you all, both good and bad, are the enactors of them.

May God have mercy. 


Evidence of the Living Heart of God

