The Children of Israel

To the chosen children of Israel, the people of the God of Heaven and Earth, the maker of fate, rememberer of lives, and keeper of believers, 

I stand with you. 

Very little grieves my spirit in my walk with the Lord, but if there were a catalyst for my lamentation, it would be helplessness. This is not to say that I am helpless, but that I cannot physically help you. I am stuck in my country, unable to send food or shelter or even offer the embrace of a friend.

As a man of the flesh, I am weak, but as a soul of the spirit, I am strong.

We, as a body of believers, share this sentiment. We spiritual beings are far more substantial than the grandest god made by man, who walks among us as a superior, worshipped by multitudes, and tailored to appeal to audiences of the most expansive reaches. 

Yet you, the written epistles of Jesus Christ, walking as the face of our savior, not only saved, but a vessel of salvation who is ready to be poured upon the people as the words within the book are into the minds, shine brighter than all those who call themselves stars. 

In times of great tribulation, God hears the cries of His people utterly and answers with a power matched or greater. Not on a cloud, thundering from Heaven as a spectacle before the multitudes of man, but as a humble, still small voice that whispers in the ears of those who will listen, as a tiny messenger, overlooked and unseen, as the sparrow perched upon the fence. 

I see you as this: Like messenger birds singing their final tune in the end time hour.

Despite the crippling blows of the enemy, you stand. Though Satan seeks to devour your souls, you remain hidden. You endure untouched through every bombshell that blasts, screeching down from the heavens after being sent by perishable principalities. 

God hears your cries, sorrows, anxiety-ridden professions, and exclamations of anguish. I know this through the scripture and the urgency that shrouds my heart. If I, a man of limitations and weakness, have heard your cries, then God, the limitless and all-powerful, has heard you even more. 

I apologize on behalf of my people, the Americans. Forgive them, for they are people of irreverence and political motivations, and I, among them, cannot fathom what you are going through to the slightest degree. Our governances, politicians, and civilians who are slaves to both have enabled the politicization of your tragedy in favor of the oppressor by a people who lack basic understanding and morality. 

But not I, my precious people. Not I. I know that this battle, though physical, is a war more importantly and exclusively fought on the spiritual plane. 

My stance with you is otherworldly. When I am on my feet in the spirit, I kneel in prayer in the physical. I press my pen to the page when I raise my sword as the ethereal. I pray ye, my beloved brethren, do the same in your respective positions, utilizing your scripture-backed gifts to restore the kingdom, place the preeminence of Christ in the people, and let our Lord be revealed through you. 

I feel the passing of the worldly torch prophesied to be sent eastward. Thus, if I, a Gentile, must let go of the spirit we have grown so glutenous on, comfortable with, and content in, cherishing it not, and taking advantage of it, I would happily do it for your sakes so that you may be saved. 

Tribulation brings testimonials, the same way war brings peace. Depending on the time that both are allowed, our revelation continually transforms unto the end. 

Stay strong, my precious people. Though the Lord may not parade on the scene, He still rides the way He always has. The times of miracles are not past; the day of the Lord is now

In times of darkness, the Lord shines the brightest. Now is the time of revival, salvation, and deliverance of you, the revival vessels, salvation servants, and directed deliverances.

What a time to be alive, my brothers. What a time. 

When death is to come, never forget that we, as believers, stand only to gain. 

I pray this letter finds you well, my family. May it encourage you. May you be wise in the scripture, in constant prayer, and alive in our great God, the master of confrontation who is no stranger to war and is the one and only holder of the undefeated record of victory, having no losses nor defeats, only success, and triumph.

May this help, and more importantly, before anything previously written, may God bless you and keep you.



To Reach a Soul Unwanting


Threat to a Nation