To Reach a Soul Unwanting

To my precious brothers and sisters of the world, either walking in or out of Christ, 

I pray this text finds you well. 

It brings me great joy to write this to you, believing our Lord Jesus Christ shall speak to you through it. This text, though written by the same author and inspired by the Spirit that comes from before the foundation of the Earth, has a more uplifting anointing. 

I pray God blesses you. 

My people of the World who walk as the believer-called “non-believer,” I do not accept your resignation from the Lord. I can not believe that you do not desire the Lord until proven beyond a shadow of a doubt through reasonable discussion. Still, upon me saying this, your resentment grows as your fire ignited by an ill experience with a believer grows hotter, churning your indecisive waters into a whirring pool of rage. 

Let me explain my statement; listen for a moment; if you disagree, you may expound on your beliefs hereafter. I am offering you, not an “oppressive belief” or “contradictory commands from a murderous God” but eternal life. 

Your listening does not benefit me but only serves to improve you.

To return to my previous statement on your desire for Christ, I present it to you like this:

If you desire peace, you desire Christ. 

If you hunger for food, you hunger for our Lord. 

If you long for love, you long for the Messiah. 

If you fancy money, you fancy the Redeemer. 

If you yearn for purpose, you yearn for the Prince of Peace. 

There are infinite desires, both of man and Christ, that I could list here, but these, in this instance, are enough. 

As a human being, you cannot tell me you do not desire at least one of these things. If this is true, we may explore other avenues, but these chosen travel roads are the most common. 

To the reasonable worldly walker, 

Peace is not found in the lack of trouble but amid an internal storm within the innermost parts of the heart. Still, we search for external solutions. To believe that there is anything this world has to offer that will stop its chaos and not further it is not only naive but untrue. The world is lost in darkness and will only worsen as time progresses. 

It does not take faith to see this. 

As a faith-based believer, I can tell you that these truths are prophesied. To the Christian, this is nothing new and is only a vindication given by God on a global scale. We find peace in Him, for He is within us in the previously mentioned and compartmentalized heart. 

To the hungry human, both with home and without, food is a want and need: those who love to eat and those who can’t know this. 

Yet, ironically, the man who has nothing and is a beggar is sooner to glorify God for the food given to him by another man than that same man who has food flowing freely, so much so that he could gorge glutinously if he desired to. Meanwhile, the other man’s body feeds on his bones after he has withered to them alone.

The former is the average American.  

Despite the homeless man who gives more glory to God than some Christians, we still do not recognize the miracle and crutch America’s food has given us, which is baffling given at any moment, we could be the homeless man.

That is the American way, but God’s way says no matter how hard life’s challenges may be, He will provide, not only in the form of food but in all things. 

Take love, for example. Differing from common, misunderstood belief, God is loving. This is a controversial statement to many who don’t understand what love is. We desire love yet are unwilling to face its challenges. No, the selfish world has convinced us that “I” is more important than “us” and has turned marriage into a culture of disarray and divorce. 

Because the average man and woman cannot handle love, they separate, believing it would be better for both as they forget the children they bore. 

Though neglect is a punishable crime, divorce has given man the power to do it without facing consequences. 

Therefore, love has died because it has not been properly cultivated, and though God permitted Moses to write the divorce law, it was not because He desired it. Nay, it was an act of mercy to save the merciless from the death penalty they had earned in their fornications and disbelief. 

Even still, the consequences of divorce are worse than the hardships faced to fix it. 

With God, not only is there peace in knowing that what He brings together no man can put asunder, but that the love that has brought you together is a love you should have for him, and He for you, carrying you through the challenges of marriage. Even before this stage of life, the love of God is enough to sustain those who are lonely. 

Still, some replace this emptiness with the proverbial “grind,” a modern slogan created to normalize the destructive behavior created by the miserable and pioneered by the capitalist. The act of working as much as possible to acquire the limited supply of money our masters allow is done only to fill a gaping emotional void created by our democracy. This is impossible and feeds the machines that line the pockets of our rulers and wears us down to the bone. 

Hence the phrase “the grind,” patented by the businessmen who convinced us that we made it up, ironically and humorously displacing you in your purpose and instead putting you six feet in the ground as they live longer than most of us combined.

This is their effort to purchase eternity. 

They will never succeed, for there will never be a bank account big enough to afford it. All the gold in the world could not buy the wages of sin. 

Jesus purchased eternity through his blood. Our faith is founded on this, and more so, the purchasing power of God is far more formidable than the gold-backed dollar bill, which, even now, has yet to be done. 

Money is the root of all evil, yet necessary in a capitalist society. God, knowing this, not only provides all we can handle but multiplies it. With God, you will never want for the pleasures it can bring nor worry of its absence again. 

Lastly, the crux of the modern man, women included in this, is the lack of purpose we have in our lives. So much misery is made from the ingredients of depression, anger, hopelessness, and meaninglessness, making a cake of consumerism whose recipe was published by the Epitome of Evil himself.

Satan has perverted our purpose, either removing it or convincing us that our purpose is to serve ourselves rather than God. Nay, the trickiness of the devil is found in his most blatant lie, which is when he convinced the world he did not exist. 

In the change of conversation to condemn Christ and his following, he has hidden himself in the hatred, taking the target off his back and placing it on our own.

If you understand your pain, suffering, and purposelessness came from him, your fire would be ignited tenfold and aimed back at the one who started it rather than God and His children, who try tirelessly to extinguish it.

In Christ, we find our purpose, not in anything else, so ours is persecuted and blamed most of all the faith systems. Even now, the American people would sooner support the same terrorists that attacked the towers and now slaughter the innocent, the same way that they have many times before under the same spirit, while looping in the Christians into the politicized warmongering that is more a religious war than anything. 

This is another way to criticize the faith that many do not understand through totalitarian methods, the same way that has been proven successful in our history. 

I call a fascist a fascist the same way God calls the Jews His people and I His son of many. I know where I stand: As a son of God, an evangelist, writing to you to change your heart, to bring you into the arms of God, bringing you peace in a time of terror and comfort in a time of harshness. 



A Prayer for the Poor


The Children of Israel